Saturday, August 16, 2014

Everything Can be Made into Mario

Having a theme to your date makes the date  memorable and shows that you have planned and prepared for the time you are spending together. An easy theme that goes with almost anything is.... MARIO. Just think of it. You find Mario or Peach costumes for your date, overalls and a hat, or a pink dress with a crown. Or tone it down with a red shirt and hat and a pink shirt with a crown. For a group date, everyone can dress as a different Mario character, Luigi and Daisy, Toad and Toadett, Link and Zelda; the list could go on!
The activities you could do as your Mario characters are endless as well, but here are some ideas:

Mario Tennis
Mario Golf
Mario Bowling
Mario Go Carts
Mario Bike Riding
Mario Ice Skating
Mario Walking
Mario Bench sitting
you get the idea.

And as a bonus you can play Mario Race Carts, or Super Mario Smash Brothers to start the night to establish the theme.