Thursday, August 28, 2014

Canoeing Anyone?

Rowboats are classic, but canoes are style! And it's a good team building exercise. There are several places in the Provo area that rent canoes:

CLAS Ropes- 2 hours= $14 (each canoe fits 2 people)
Utah Lake State Park- cost ?, make sure you avoid the bug season
High Adventure all day= $40 (this company has as variety of water sports to choose from)
Deer Creek State Park= cost? Call the state park to get a cost 

To add to this adventure idea:
  • Have a picnic after ward, or take the picnic with you and row to a specific location and have a picnic. 
  • If there is another couple with you, have a race, or play hide and seek.
  • Have one person close their eyes, while the other directs them how and when to paddle. 
  • Have petals  or other things to scatter into the water, making wishes as you go.